Paul Krekorian Kicks Ass!

A blog dedicated to peeling back the onion that is Los Angeles City Councilman Paul Krekorian. Paul Krekorian is a great man. He's above board in all that he does. He's the benevolent Lord of Los Angeles' 2nd Council District. Some day, he will be President.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Lord Voldemort Krekorian Uses His Powers to Distract The Wimpy Voters Of Los Angeles

Reforming LA's dysfunctional government?  Fixing the LADWP?  Solving the city's pension crisis?

You'd be mistaken if our lordly staff over here at Team Paul Krekorian could be bothered with that stuff.

As the Encino Patch recently reported, , while Los Angeles burned, we here at Team Krekorian were...taking a ride down the LA river.  With your taxpayer dollars paying our salaries.  Moooohaahaahaaahaaahaaa.  Mooohahahahaha!

How strong is Paul Krekorian?  How lordly?  No one noticed.  He used his lordly powers to distract you wimpy voters so that no one gave a hoot.  Oh yes, the Kevin James for Mayor team busted a vein in their necks with apoplectic rage, but no one else seemed to notice this latest meaningless, wasteful, publicity hounding, trivial move by Lord Krekorian.  All hail Paul Krekorian!  Lord of the Second Council District!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Paul Krekorian tells Ron Kaye: I CAN get away with anything!

Today, in response to a query by former Los Angeles Daily News scribe Ron Kaye, Paul Krekorian confirmed, "I'm not stupid.  That's not it, I promise.  I really am so arrogant that I DO believe I can get away with anything."

Kaye had asked, "It's hard to be sure whether Paul Krekorian [is] completely stupid or just so cynical [he] think[s] [he] can get away with anything," after Krekorian destroyed any chance of reform by destroying the possibility of a strong Ratepayer Advocate to fight for taxpayers against the DWP.

Krekorian boldly continued, "My total arrogance, that I can get away with anything, is limitless.  I don't wash my hands when I leave the restroom.  I pick my nose secretly but in public.  I litter in the brush near freeway offramps.  I bribe bloggers for positive coverage, but it's not obvious.  My staff spreads untrue rumors about people in the community, but no one knows we are the source.  I can do anything!"

Krekorian's comments just confirm to us at his Team 1600(tm) that Paul Krekorian is Lord.  All hail the Lord of the Second District! 

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Paul Krekorian: “I was against the AEG stadium in downtown, before I was for it.”

The studly politician-y (and presidential) Paul Krekorian showed what a great politician he is by pulling an awesome flip-flop that rivals that of equally politician-y (and kind-of presidential) John Kerry.

Paul Krekorian, who got some great headlines by attacking the AEG stadium in months past, did, this past week, not only vote for the stadium deal, but also had this cherry (Kerry?) of a quote:

“I’ve looked at [the stadium] and I’ve studied [the stadium] and I’ve argued against [the stadium],” Krekorian said. But I am voting for it.

Krekorian also gave the public his word that the risks pertaining to the stadium are “non-existent.”

We here at Paul Krekorian’s Team 1600 can sleep better knowing that our man Krekorian has assured the public there is no risk with the downtown stadium, and also knowing how politician-y/presidential-like he appeared in the process.

It just goes to show our man’s diversity that he can channel AIG while approving a stadium for AEG, and that Krekori can also channel Kerry.